Thursday, August 9, 2012

Save the Date ~ October 7, 2012! Register Now

We are VERY excited to let you all know that we are back for our 4th Year of our Spectrum of Hope Golf Tournament!  This year the tournament will be held on Sunday, October 7th, at the fabulous Southers Marsh Golf Course!  We invite you all to this truly uplifting event, as our family strives to raise money for organizations that help children and their families who are living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis.  We are very much honored to be involved with this wonderful day!

This year we will have two wonderful organizations be the beneficiaries of the monies raised.  Once again chosen AANE ~ Aspergers Assoication of New England ( be one of the beneficiaries as they are truly a wonderful organization that understands the needs of those on the Spectrum, as well as supporting their families.   AANE will use the donated funds to provide grants to families struggling with the cost of the therapies, aids, doctors, and other tools necessary for children across the autism spectrum live happy and rewarding lives. 

The Autism Society of New Hampshire is another remarkable organization that helps individuals and families affected by Autism. They will share the proceeds from this day with AANE.

Please use the forms on the right to register for the tournament;  be a tournament sponsor, or be a tee/hold sponsor! (The Donation Letter is currently being uploaded). Please note also that if you pay online, you still need to mail the forms. Thanks so much for being part of this day!